Finding Balance: Navigating Weight Gain in Multiple Sclerosis
It’s not uncommon for MS patients to gain weight due to their symptoms, treatments, fatigue, low energy, physical barriers, and depression. It would be a good idea to keep your weight in check by:
1- Building an exercise routine: Consult with your doctor and start a routine within your range of ability that meets your needs and stick to it.
2- Avoiding emotional eating: Mood swings, such as stress and depression, may lead to emotional eating. Be aware of it and try relaxation and stress management techniques, such as yoga or meditation.

3- Sticking to a well-balanced diet: Although there is no evidence that a specific diet can prevent or treat MS, being overweight may worsen MS symptoms. Talk to your doctor, create a healthy diet, and make sure you're getting enough water, vitamins and minerals.
4- Monitoring your weight: If you don’t hold yourself accountable, who will? Weigh yourself regularly and hold yourself accountable.
- Whether you are a patient, a healthcare provider, or a family member of someone with MS, your story offers great value to others. Please share your experience with the most authentic MS community founded by a group of patients, scientists, and neurologists.
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